Littlewood Lodge began life as something much smaller. Discover how it was transformed into a unique luxury venue. 

A woodland escape that transports you to somewhere unique

Littlewood Lodge has gone through quite the journey to get to where it is now. We don’t just provide our guests with a lodge in the woods, we provide an experience, the opportunity to escape and enjoy the woodland for what it is. 


The Original Lodge

Used as a shooting hut in the 1920’s, it wasn’t much more than a meeting point for groups to get together. 




Littlewood Lodge was used as a filming location for the Christmas edition of the TV show River Cottage featuring Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall. You can see a snippet of the show on YouTube here.


Winter 2020



Making the decision to turn the shooting hut into something beautiful, we took on the job of demolishing the hut, and begun building Littlewood Lodge.

Winter 2020

Spring 2021


We wanted Littlewood to be a place of luxury so we chose to use the best materials and local master craftsmen to bring our vision to life. 

Spring 2021

Summer 2021

Party Time

Summer 2021 saw the completion of Littlewood Lodge and our first booking. The event went off without a hitch and the feedback about the lodge was great to hear. Roll on more events! 

Summer 2021